Use txt2tags markup in PmWiki

Eric Forgeot never stops. Now he wrote a plugin/recipe for PmWiki, so you, dear txt2tags user, now can use our beloved markup in one more tool! From the plugin page:

This recipe adds txt2tags formatting to the pmWiki markup. Most txt2tags tags are translated to their pmWiki equivalent and then passed through the standard PmWiki engine.

2 responses to “Use txt2tags markup in PmWiki

  1. Now if only someone would do DokuWiki

    It keeps all the page data as pure content-only .txt files right in the filesystem (no database!) and it’s “namespaces” are just the folder hierarchy. No problem editing/scripting whatever right in the filesystem (just lose the version-control/history, can regenerate the DW meta-data and indexing). Also see the “project plugin”, can automate the target-output generations, store the resulting output files right back in the wiki.

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